
Emotional Support Dice by Geek and Artsy

Created by Geek and Artsy

A wholesome enamel pin project for all lovers of dice and Dungeons and Dragons

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Surveys have been sent out!
over 1 year ago – Sat, Sep 30, 2023 at 04:43:08 AM

That's it, thats the update =P

After the smoke test was successful, i decided to send surveys out early, so they should now be in your inboxes! Look for an email from Backerkit. 

As a surprise, i also decided to offer a few of my handmade dice sets as an add-on at a discounted price to thank you all for your support during this campaign!

Each set is unique, so there is only one unit of each available!

"Fireball" is one of the sets available for purchase as an add-on!

Please remember that it's really important that you fill out the surveys as early as possible so i can begin production

Have a great weekend, and stay excellent,

Saphira, Geek and Artsy

over 1 year ago – Fri, Sep 29, 2023 at 03:36:52 PM

Good evening adventurers!

Tiny update to let you knoe KS has finally finished collecting pledges!

I have sent the Backerkit survey out to a few backers and will wait to hear back from them before i send it out to everyone else! 

This should happen tomorrow, so please keep an eye out for surveys!

It's VERY IMPORTANT that you fill these out as soon as possible so i can place an order with my manufacturer right away- the longer surveys take to be filled out, the longer production will take.

Stay Excellent,

Saphira, Geek and Artsy

Thank you!
over 1 year ago – Wed, Sep 13, 2023 at 04:00:53 AM

Thank you!

Good Morning Adventurers! I was at D&D last night when the project ended (we're exploring Castle Ravenloft, alllmost at the end of Curse of Strahd!), but i wanted to take some time to celebrate with you this morning!

This brings the project to a close, and i am so happy with all the designs i will be producing for you!

What happens next?

Kickstarter will now start collecting funds. In about a week, i will start sending out Backerkit emails so you can pick which designs you would like to get, and buy more pins if you feel like it! You WILL be able to add more pins to your pledge! This is also when shipping for your pledges will be charged.

Please keep an eye out for Backerkit emails, its EXTREMELY IMPORTANT  (it's so important that this is in caps, bold *and* italic!) that you fill them out as soon as possible <3 This is because i need to start communicating with my manufacturer about how many pins i need to order from them!

Have a great week and stay excellent,

Saphira, Geek and Artsy

New stretch goal- unlocked!
over 1 year ago – Wed, Sep 06, 2023 at 02:36:48 PM

Hi All!

This will be a very small update!

I've been really sick and was completely unable to finish the design on as many new stretch goals as the ones i had intended for this campaign, but "Guidance" unlocked really fast!

I'm trying to take it very easy this week while my medication takes effect and hopefully helps me not fail my death saves, so i will likely not manage to update the project with the other designs i had started until the end of the kickstarter, but thank you so much for all your support- it really means the world to me that you've loved these wholesome dice as much as i've loved creating them!

I will still try to put one last design out there in this last week, but i can make no promises =P

As always, please do share the project with anyone you think might enjoy it, any support we can get is amazing <3

Stay excellent,

Saphira, Geek and Artsy

All goals unlocked+ new designs!
over 1 year ago – Wed, Aug 30, 2023 at 04:52:20 AM

Good morning adventurers! 

I am finally back in the workshop and can now post normally again! The project page has been updated to show all the unlocked designs... which is all of them! =D

I also couldnt resist adding new designs to the lineup, i am weak. =P

So here's our new stretch goal!

I will keep working on a few more designs, maybe we can unlock a couple more? As always, if theres something in particular you'd like to see, leave a comment and i'll see what i can do ^^

Have a great week and stay excellent,

Saphira, Geek and Artsy